Tuesday, September 1, 2009


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Mumbai-born composer Ashutosh Phatak's music is the stuff of dreams. Opulent, lucid and at times unsettling, Ashu's mystic soundscapes artfully weave stories of love and loss, of hope and fear: stories that are at once intensely personal and invitingly universal. His psy-fi rock operas are best listened to in their entirety, and offer an immersive sensory experience that immediately engulfs. Both his debut album 'I' and sophomore release 'Sigh of an Angel' - although satisfyingly different - are rooted in duality, and exist in fantastic worlds that are intimate, expansive and rich in their visual imagery. But listener beware: this is not music for the faint of heart, journeying as it does between the ethereal and the nightmarish.

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