Earth Hour is a WWF initiative where citizens around the globe show their support for action on climate change by turning off lights for one hour. This year the switch off is being observed on March 27, 2010, from 8.30 pm to 9.30 pm.
Abhishek along with Sheila Dikshit lit the 'candle of hope' encouraging citizens of India to 'switch on' their minds and showcase solidarity and commitment towards climate change and energy conservation by 'switching off' the lights for one hour.
They ere joined by Ravi Singh, CEO of WWF India. Earth Hour 2010 is expected to be a culmination of over one billion people around the globe, in more than 6000 cities and towns worldwide, turning off lights and showing support for action on climate change.
Dikshit said: ''Delhi was the lead city for Earth Hour 2009 when India joined this global campaign. Several historical buildings, office complexes, RWAs, shopping centers and hotels switched off in support, resulting in close to 600 MW power saving in Delhi alone.
"I hope that Delhi along with other cities across the country will take Earth Hour to newer heights by generating larger savings and sending a strong message nationally and globally, stressing the need to shift to a sustainable and low carbon development path.''
Speaking to the press, Abhishek said: "As responsible citizens of this planet, it is extremely crucial for us to address the colossal problem of climate change through ensuring responsible action and adopting a sustainable way of life. Earth Hour is one such platform and a people's campaign that goes beyond national, regional, economic and cultural differences.
"It is important that Earth Hour 2010 should not be viewed as just another cause. We need to make this a movement to demonstrate our support for action on climate change by showing the world that actions such as those taken up at the 'individual level' like adopting an energy saving attitude and being more efficient in the use of energy can play a significant role in curbing greenhouse gas emissions that are eventually responsible for global warming."
"It is a matter of pride for me that I am associated with this prestigious campaign. It's time that we take a collective pledge to 'switch on' our minds and take one simple step to 'switch off the lights' on March 27, 2010 from 8.30 pm to 9.30 pm," Bachchan Jr added.
Meanwhile, Ravi Singh, Secretary General and CEO, WWF-India, said, "Earth Hour 2009 was the largest climate action in history. It was heartening to receive tremendous support for the campaign from all sections of the society all across India.
"It symbolized the aspirations and willingness of our citizens to adopt a more sustainable lifestyle. We hope the campaign this year will cross greater boundaries and inspire several more millions of our citizens to take decisive and collective action towards protecting our environment."
India joined the Earth Hour campaign in 2009 by committing the support of two main cities, Delhi and Mumbai. Five million people in India alone switched off on that day. Fifty six Indian cities participated in the campaign.
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