Competing with international films like BORED TO DEATH, CIGARETTE GIRLS, COMMUNITY, WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE, UP IN THE AIR and others, AAGEY SE RIGHT is the only Hindi Indian finalist at SXSW international Awards 2010. The winners will be announced at the SXSW Film Awards on Monday, 15th March at the Hitachi G-Tech Theater.
The SXSW (South by Southwest) - Film Conference and Festival is a uniquely creative environment featuring the dynamic convergence of talent, smart audiences and industry heavyweights. Following the success of 2009's SXSW Film/AIGA Austin Film Poster Award, SXSW established the annual SXSW Film Design Awards, and this year added "Excellence in Title Design" Award as a special contest to discover the best in contemporary Title Sequence design.
Indrajit Nattoji, the former writer, director of the on-air promos at Channel [v], for three years, started his own production design studio BLINK Pictures in 2001. Involved in various Indian and international film productions with a crew that can fix anything in India and abroad, Indrajit Nattoji, has worked with some of the biggest names in the Industry like Hrithik Roshan, John Abraham, Amrita Rao and Srilanka's talented star Bathiya and Satush. Indrajit Nattoji has directed many commercials for some of the most renowned brands, including international projects also. Indrajit has also been felicitated with many awards for his outstanding work in direction and production.
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