Saturday, March 27, 2010

Karan Johar all praise for LOVE SEX AUR DHOKHA

ALT Entertainment & Dibaker Banerjee'sLOVE SEX AUR DHOKHA is everything that is novel, original and riveting!
Agreeing with industry analysts, Karan Johar said, "Films like LSD; backed by dedicated producers and brought to life by creatively uncompromising directors are the only way to continue to evolve the face of Indian cinema."
LOVE SEX AUR DHOKHA follows 3 individual stories of voyeurism in contemporary society intertwining to shock, question and inform audiences in the most unconventional manner it finds.
Opening to impressive collections across 350 screens in India Dibaker Banerjee's LOVE SEX AUR DHOKHA also sped away with great critical acclaim thanks to its enthralling storytelling, never seen before cinematography that made use of digital cameras , seamless mirroring of society and performances so real you almost feel like you're living their lives.
Says one of the acclaimed critics, "LOVE SEX AUR DHOKHA is original, innovative and ground-breaking cinema, which will shock and provoke you. The film is definitely not for the faint-hearted or those who swear by stereotypical fares, but for those ho yearn for a change"
LOVE SEX AUR DHOKHA isn't for the faint hearted neither is it for those who wish to escape the realities of life
Talking about his intention behind making the film says National award winning director Dibaker Banerjee "I know there is an audience waiting for the film and it is that segment which wants to call a spade a spade."
Nearly shot down by moral watchdogs and putting decisions people take under a scanner - with LOVE SEX AUR DHOKHA expect the unexpected!

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